Saturday, April 25, 2009


Last Sunday, April 12, My friend and coworker, Stacy, lost one of her beautiful 15 week old twin boys; a loss that I don't think the smartest person in the world could possibly wrap their brain around. I can't even imagine the pain that Stacy and her husband, Jared, are experiencing. My heart aches for them.

Little Easton was so tiny, so precious; he touched the life of everyone who knew him. All of my coworkers are pretty overwhelmed right now. Here is where opportunity knocks:

I don't know why this happened. I don't know what God's ultimate plan is, and I never will. I rejoice in the fact that Stacy and Jared are believers and can take comfort in knowing that they will see Easton again in heaven, but many of my coworkers do not share that knowledge.

How horrible is life and death to unbeliever's minds? No comfort in knowing that the Lord and Savior of the Universe is LOVE and even in this present suffering, there is hope?

This is where I see a huge opportunity: I want to show Christ to those people. I love all of my coworkers dearly and my heart aches for their salvation. I feel a bit insensitive when I think this but at the risk of that; I believe that God will use the tragedy of Easton's death to lead others to Him.

So many people are hurt and confused right now. I don't have all the answers. No one does. But I do know this: God knows. God has a plan that we may never understand. God loves his children and wants everyone to know Him.

If I died tomorrow, I would want others to be shown Christ. I would want God to use my death to point others to Him. I would want my friends and loved ones to know that I am in heaven with my Father, and they will see me again.

I'm not the most eloquent person in the world, and I, myself, am still trying to wrap my brain around this, but I know my God will help.

I ask for prayer, friends: Prayer for courage to speak about God to my coworkers. Prayer that my fellow Christian coworkers will join me. Prayer that people will be lead to Christ. And of course, prayer for the Van Egdom family. The loss of a child is something so terrible... Pray for comfort and wisdom. I pray that they will constantly look to God for help and that their faith will stay strong.

Thank you.