Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Freestylin...like it's just..random...r-r-random.

I don't really have a clear point right now, I just need to write. Who knows what my fingers have to say?

Drew and I are cleaning out the closet right now. Mostly my clothes, including prom dresses and multiple formals for other high school occasions. High school didn't seem that long ago till now...

Side note; I think it would be really depressing if back then I had the knowledge of people I do now. For example; being able to look at all of your friends/classmates/whatever, straight in the eye, and know which ones are just going to leave or betray you. I guess it's a good thing time and knowledge works the way it does then, eh?

If "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" was possible, I'd totally do that...maybe.

God is good.

It's crazy to think of where I was last year at this time. I was miserable, God-less, and so alone. It's amazing how ever since I turned my life over to God, every detail has changed; jobs, friends, happiness.

I still struggle with trust, though.

And forgiveness. Jessica taught me that forgiveness doesn't mean I have to forget that I was hurt. Sometimes I still feel like I don't understand how to forgive, though. I'd rather forget I was hurt.

I miss my grandmas. How to people just stop living? And whats more, how is time allowed to pass without them?

My thoughts aren't brilliant. I don't think I'm clever or artsy. I don't say ambiguous things to make myself feel smarter than others. Right now, I think I'm accomplishing the typed version of "blurting".

I'm gonna be 22 next month. Whhhaaaaaaat? It's not that 22 is old, it's just....where have the past few years gone?

Ha, Drew just found one of my "Goonies" tshirts. Where did they go?

Could everyone please stop having babies? You're making me jealous. (Kidding to the first part. Feel free to keep on having babies, people.)

I should be doing homework right now...

Moving on.

Thank you to all who read my last post and gave me such wonderful feedback. It meant a lot to me. I'm honored whenever God uses my story to encourage anyone in any way. It's all HIM.

I go to quite possibly the best church in the world. Wilow Creek Baptist in Des Moines. The people there are amazing. The pastor is so wonderful. I adore going to church on Sundays. If anyone out there needs a church to go to, please please please, come with me! I guarantee you'll love it too.

It's amazing how awesome things can be when Christians are acting the way they are supposed to.

Side note to my post, "In the beginning..."; I went to FBBC and hated it. People were awful, but not all of them. I was in the best possible dorm. 320 was awesome. I had the best possible dorm mates, the best possible roommate, the best possible room leader (Super Secretary Sarah!), and the best possible RA. Basically everyone in 320 made life livable at Faith.

I'm sure if I sat here for another hour I'd come up with lots more to say. At the moment, I should be getting to my homework, and also, the blurting has made me feel better.

Thank you.

1 comment:

John and Teresa said...

Hey Lauren! Keep your posts comin', I've enjoyed reading them. And I second the notion for people to stop having babies!