Saturday, November 17, 2012

This kid owes me epic mothers day gifts.

Kati (my sister) has already said that my kid is never gonna hear the end of how miserable this pregnancy was. Pretty much.

I figure since the second trimester is officially over this coming Thursday, I should post an update.

The morning sickness has gotten much better. I only throw up a few times a week as opposed to a few times a day and I no longer have to take Zofran (yay!!!). The trial of this trimester began when I fell at work. I twisted my lower back and did some muscle/nerve damage which the doctor said as the baby grows, it will get worse. Boy it did! I'm on lifting restriction at work and most days I walk like Frankenstein when I get home. I did discover that wearing crap shoes helps! I have bad joints anyway and the shoes I was wearing were too good; they would help my feet and knees not hurt but send the pain straight to my back. I started wearing bad shoes which pretty much eliminates back pain but kills my knees and feet. I've decided that the latter is the lesser of the evils. Now that I've created an extremely fascinating paragraph, lets move on.

My belly is huge! I can't believe that it's only going to get bigger and bigger without bursting. I'm now on a regimen of vitamin e oil on my belly every night so I hopefully avoid looking like my skin contains lightning. If it happens it happens though! Sidenote: this baby is going to be a karate master.

The most exciting news of the trimester is that baby Schneider is a BOY! We have a name picked out and we're not telling. Na na na boo boo. You'll only have to wait about three more months to find out :). I can't wait to see the little man. I can only predict that he is a werewolf based on my reflux.

In non-baby-life news here's what's been going on and what is to come:

-Drew and I had the opportunity to spend a week in Vero Beach, Florida this past October. It. Was. Heaven.
-Drew has started working for Natures Kitchen dog foods. He is doing an amazing job and I am very proud of him! The goal is for this to take over for both of our full time jobs (it definitely has the potential!!!)
-In late October, we had to say goodbye to the best pet I've ever had. Hot Rod stopped eating suddenly and it killed his liver so we had to put him to sleep. He was only four. It was one of the hardest things I've had to do. He seriously was the BEST. Haven't stopped missing him.
-Since Hot Rod passed, we adopted two kittens that we named Sherlock and Watson. They will never replace Hot Rod, but they're very sweet and crazy!
Coming up:
-We'll be spending our Thanksgiving in Michigan with Drew's family! I'm very much looking forward to getting there....not so much about the ten hour drive! My natural tendency towards car sickness is only exacerbated by pregnancy. I'm also toying with the idea of participating in Black Friday this year ONLY for the purpose of buying stuff for the baby. Pray for us!
-I'm so ready for Christmas and pretty snow! Not looking forward to driving in it... just looking at it. I'm hoping our family friend Kayo will fly in from Japan to spend the holiday with us again. She's a good time :).
-I will be turning 26 in January...I have a feeling I'll be a little more 'beached whale-y' and will not want to celebrate....but I'll still want cupcakes. Lots of  cupcakes. time.

I am so thankful for the blessings God has given us this past year. I've seen miracles happen. God is good.

See you in the third trimester!

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