Monday, January 7, 2013

Gonna make it....gonna make it...

Six more weeks....six more weeks....six more weeks....

Time has really flown by! I definitely cannot complain about that! He'll be here before I know it! So much time and so little to do....strike that:reverse it.

I don't feel completely all. Although I still have my big baby shower at the end of this month...that should help. At this point its just silly things I don't have that are making me feel like I'm somehow a 'bad mom' already.

The nursery theme is music with a strong emphasis on The Beatles. I thought it'd be easier to find Beatles decor, but it isn't. Sure I could order things online but I figured that stores around town would have something...anything. Basically the only things I found were several variations of the Abbey Road album cover (which I already have). Sadly enough I found that it'd be a lot easier to decorate the nursery if the theme was Jersey Shore. Seriously.

I think a contributing factor to the difficulty of decorating is the fact that when you get pregnant, your mind slowly starts to deteriorate. I can't focus on or remember anything anymore! It's so hard to concentrate! I literally just spaced out for a minute between typing those last two sentences.

Yay! My husband just brought me some cookies. Moving on...

Pregnancy does crazy crazy things to your body! Yknow...besides stretching it out to circus freak proportions. I haven't been crazy emotional/sensitive for most of the pregnancy.... just recently. It's harder to process stuff so I get stressed out easily. I also cry at the drop of a hat...most of the time completely aware that I'm out of my mind for crying! That is one thing I am all too aware of: I'm crazy.

The most absurd pregnancy-caused-thing that happened to me is something no one warned me about: apparently because of changes in hormones, some women develop moles or skin tags. Because I did not know this, when I discovered a couple of new moles, my pregnant mind told me, "You have skin cancer and are going to die soon. You will not see your son grow up. You only have a short time left with Drew." Naturally-burst into tears. This is the one time googling medical symptoms helped me rather than pushed me further down the crazy cancer rabbit hole.

Oh, google. You have shown me some crazy women.

Case in point: As a pregnant woman who is stretched to capacity in the belly region, I, like every other 8 1/2 month pregnant woman, have an itchy belly! It's only exacerbated by the fact that it is winter and hot showers feel amazing (recipe for dry skin!). I'd been using various ultra-moisturizing lotions and vitamin e oil to help, but it had just gotten worse in the past few days so I decided to google 'how to soothe an itchy pregnant belly' in hopes of some intelligent life enlightening me of some fabulous lotion that I could pick up at Target that would solve all of my itchy woes. What I got? One ticket to crazy town.

Seriously: I search 'moles and pregnancy' and I get nothing but rational "oh that is totally normal and nothing to worry about" answers. I search for relief for an itchy belly and I get flooded with crazy women stating that it is most likely intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy which basically means that my liver is failing and it will harm the baby and to go to the doctor immediately!!!! no lotion? One woman even stated that other symptoms of this condition are fatigue and nausea. Um... you mean...pregnancy?  I'm not trying to downplay this condition and say it's made up or stupid, but women on message boards are not to be trusted. I literally think they all want you to die. Oh well, it gave me a good laugh.

Here is a list of things I'm greatly looking forward to:
-Being able to breathe again!
-Not being tied down to so many meds
-Eating normally (i.e. not having to eat every hour or I feel like I'll die, eating more healthfully)
-Decreased middle of the night bathroom trips (seriously...sometimes its six in one night)
-Putting on my own shoes again
-Normal skin
-Fitting into 'normal' clothes
-Doing away with swelling and soreness
-Eating deli meat and drinking Diet Coke and Red Bull
-and the #1 thing: meeting my son :)

I'm pretty lazy with these posts so the next one might be after he's born. Hopefully it'll be before he turns 1. Who knows!

If you think of it, I'd appreciate prayer with any of the above and also with my job. It's become increasingly harder and often impossible to perform at work like I should and is needed of me. They're supposed to alter my responsibilities but we are not sure what that will look like. Also pray for wisdom as to what to do after maternity leave. Thank you!

Six more weeks....


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